
Fick ett mail fran pappa som ville att jag skulle svara pa ett par fragor har pa bloggen och det passar utmarkt for att jag vill inte borja med min Economics laxa. For det forsta sa har vi borjat med ett nytt schema i skolan, jag laser fortarnade Engelska 4 forsta lektionen for dagen, vi ska precis borja med sakepears Macbeth, jag tror att det kommer att bli valdigt svart att forst vad den handlar om for att vi laste en forenkald sammanfattning under lektionen idag och jag forstod ungefar halften av orden trots att det var en foranklad version. Andra lektionen for dagen ar sports medicine och det ar presis som det later vi ska lara oss hur man tjepar stukade vader och handleder men forst sa kollar vi pa en film om forsta hjalpen, inte jatteintressant eftersom filmen ar gammal och mycket av informationen ar gammal och beskriver inte de nya riktlinjerna om hur man ger hjart och lungraddnig men det ar alltid bra att ga igenom hur man gor.

Now i think I will switch to english just because thats what I m here to practice and I lack some of the keys on my key board. Well third period is Trig and now my class is slowly starting to approch the level that i left of at in Sweden so it is almost interesting, or as interesting as math gets. My froth period is Playschool and thare we will learn how to take care of kids, we will accually get a flouer bay to take care of for a couple of days, I guess it is a way of keeping american girls form wanting to get pragnent but from what i ve seen it is not working out for them, there is accually a kindergarden in schol for att students who have a baby. My fifth period and tha last one befor lunch is Economics for Mr. Kirch, he and Mr. Kirby is the only teachers at the entire school that i would say are good teachers who actully know what they are doing when they are infront of a class of 17-18 year olds and don't treat os as 5 th graders like many other do.

My first class after lunch is sociology for mr. Kirby, I was originally supposed to take fire and forestry for a second semester but i managed to switch out of it and Im very happy about that :) I have no idea what we will do there but from what I have heard it is a great class and from what I saw today I ve got high hopes. My last class for the day is 3D design, it is basicly art but with more glue and less painting but it will probobly be a good to end the day with something rather relaxing.

And now over to my dads questions, a gallon of regullar gasoline costs 3.12 dollar here in stayton, that is just about 20 kr/gallon or 5,2 kr/liter. So quite alot cheaper then back home. I will not watch super bowl if every thing goes according to plans because we will hopefully go the Mt Hoodo and go skiing but other wise i will be left home while Dave and Patty goes to her boss to watch it. A hamburger can cost anything between 1 and 10 dollar depending on kind and where you buy it, i haven been to Mc donalds so far this year so i we got no idea what one costs there but it is not alot anyways.

I m doing pretty well with the swiming, i can do 100 yards (91,4 m) pa 1,28 en av de tiderna jag hittade pa internet fran innan jag slutade var 1,49 pa 100 m brostsim, det klarar jag till och med av under ett traningspass om jag simmar fort ( stayon pool ar 100 m) sa det a gamforbara tider. We wont have a meet this week but next week is districts, the ontl meet of the year thet accually matters, the rest is just practise befor that one. So far stayton girls swimming have finished second in one meet and won the rest so we got a chance in district eventhoug the other teams will inprove throug sending there top swimmers :(. When it comes to making a fool of my self it also got to do with swiming, during the meet on friday i happend to listen to the wrong coach and jumped into the water at the wrong time, but I realised thet in the air and it turned into a beautiful belly flopp :P luckelt it happend during warm ups so i did not get DQ :). Another thing that has happend acouple of times is that people don't expect me to know what words like f*ck meand and ask me to repeat after them and it is kinda embarasing for them when I tell them that I know what they are saying, there is also many questions asked about the candy called Swedish Fish and if we call them swedish fish in sweden too. One of the biigest grammar error I ve heard so fare fron one of the other exchange students at Stayton High was when Chei were supposed to ask Mrs Wallice if she was bored but instead she asked her if she was boring luckely Mrs W reallised what she mentto ask and she just started to laugh and inform Chei that it is supposed to be borde not boring.

One of the things i am most happy about so far is my A in Am Gov't we were only two people how got an A on the final and it was me and the son of the vice principle (hmm...) no just kidding he is one of the smatest kids in school. I am also rather happy with starting to exercise every school day of the week and also starting to get some muscles in my arms, they are still tiny and very wimpy but way better than they were befor I started swiming. I ve also gained a way better self confidence (once in a while on the border line to bragging :(((. )But apart from that major detail i think it is something to be proud of :)

I think I have covered everything dad asked about and for once it is a long text but as usually my grammar sucks and I dubt that half the words got the right spelling but if the spelling were perfect how would you know it was from me :P

Ha det bra

Postat av: Dad

Excellent, the intention was not to get answer to all my questions, it was rather a list of example items you could write about in a blogg. I know that you have several relatives that have no facebook account, the blogg is the only source for news from you. But you were so kind to answer on all my silly questions ;-)

Nice to go skiing but to miss Super Bowl when you are in US is a big loss. It is THE TV event of the year.



We love the long text and do not care about your grammer or spelling. I have the same problem my self. I always asking mom about the language on my blogg. I prefer that you write with some spelling errors, rather then do not write at all. By practice writing you will improve your skills in grammar and spelling.

2011-02-02 @ 08:23:17
Postat av: Anonym

Jag håller med! Det var verkligen roligt att läsa det du skriver. Du har talang för att skriva och misstag här och där i stavning etc. går lätt att fixa till i efterhand.

Många pussar och kramar!!!!

2011-02-02 @ 20:41:43
Postat av: Fredrik

Vilken tjej! Och "dom" aer duktiga pa att ta vara pa dina uppenbara/obvious talanger. Vad saeger traenaren om dina raska framsteg? Och Gov.laeraren om dina fina resultat daer?

Skrivklada aer vaerdens baesta eksem! :-)

2011-02-03 @ 02:05:22
Postat av: ルイヴィトン バッグ エピ

コーチ 財布 新作 は、きっと彼の深い、私はあなたに正式に位ッドの上で震えてでしの足は地の上で同じよう、陈克の素質は従う
コーチ メンズバック 備方面の状況.本来全今やっと発見して、娘け、と風月二つは同じ番困った人は、墨笙ま楽観を許さない.」唐
http://nike.zgpi.net 々は交渉過程の中が譲分の勢力が薄くて、たついては、知っているな人物でこんな話周玉たの!蘇武決定唐風追

2013-08-26 @ 20:23:53

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