The weather and other(interesing?) thing

Well after a request i think I ll wright something about the weather and other things that i hardly egnolishes cuz they are pretty normal to me. The weather is really clod in the morning, not freezing but cold but in the afternoon the weather is great, you can walk around in a t-shirt. Unfortunatly will it start raining tomorrow or friday :( When it comes to things to make u jellus about it ishard to come up with a specific thing.

Today I ve been to a parent/teacher conferanse it went pretty good and LaMarch promised that we were done with group projects after this one and i look forward to it cuz I m tired of doingwork with a group that dont do their chare.
That's all for tonight
Ha det bra

Postat av: Anonym

Du får gärna berätta lite närmare om den där konferensen. Var det som ett utvecklingssamtal? Puss

2010-10-21 @ 21:09:49

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