21 april
Igar (20de) sa hade jag en playschool lektion, playschool ar en kurs i hur man blir en dagislarare och tre dagar i veckan driver skolan ett dagis for 20 st 2-5 aringar som vi far ta hand om for en lektion. Det ar roligt men en konstig lektion, iaf igar sa var det en kille (Mason) som rakade kissa pa sig, tyvarr sa hade han glomt att ta med sig ett ombyte denna dag sa Ms. Krieger ringde hans mamma sa att hon kunde komma med klader till honom men medan vi vantade pa henne sa gick brandlarmet sa vi var tvugna att ta med oss alla barnen ut, leka konstiga lekar med dem medan vi vantade pa att fa komma in igen och medan detta pagick sa stod Mason utonhus i det ganska kalla vadret i genomblota byxor, jag tyckte synd om honom. Men vi fick iaf ga tillbaka in efter 20 min
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April 15
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P.S. eventhough it just sounded like im having a awful time i am accually having a good time over here D.S.
sa spelade jag en annan match, min forsta med riktiga set tillsammans med Barbra Ball (passande namn for en tennisspelare :P), aven denna match var mot stayton men vi vann med (6-4)(7-5) i bast av 3 set. Denna match tog nastan tva timmar att spela eftersom vi var valdigt jamna men det var kul att spela "pa riktigt".
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Semester pa Eagle Crest
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Lite ny amerikansk geografi
Idag (och tidigare under aret) fick jag reda pa ett par nya saker om varlden (och lite annat) som kan vara bra att veta
1. Pizza harstammar fran Paris
2. Man joddlar i Sverige
3. Ifall att man heter Ingrid sa ar man svensk
4. Det ar en nyhet att skinka innehaller flask
Kan vara bra att veta
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Monday march 14th
Yesterday was monday march 14 th or as my math teacher said "pi-day" so he brought an apple pie for us to eat during math, that was very nice of him :). I also had a sociology class, the best class i ve had so far :) and we started to dicuss random stuff as usual, like wether or not it is better to fart out loud and admit to it or to do a quiet one and deny it when the classroom starts to smell, we never reached a conclution. After that i left for my first tennis match, we played at home against Silverton. We lost. And I lost my game 1-8 games. I was not very funny because the weather was bearly above frezzing and it was very windy, if you were hitting against the wind it was very hard to make it across the net (tha ball also flew to the left). if you were on the other side it was hard to get the bell to bounce within the court (it also flew to the right). Another thing that was bad about the weather was that our game uniform consist of a tennis skirt so when it is windy and coold you still have to wear the skirt :( I was freezing cold but i learnt to always bring a blanket to tennis games :).
After that it was time for the award seremony for swiming, I was late becauce my tennis game started late. We meet at Pietros pizza in Salem and firs we ate and then we got some team pictures and awards to some people. Stayton Swim team apparantly finished 6th in state for the team with the highest avrage grade, really good :). I also found out that the relay theam that i was part of was alternates for the stateshampionships so it counted like we made it to state to make it for real you have to be top 12 in the entire state so we were probably 14 th in oregon :). I also got a varsity letter for swim team. If you don't know what it is you can google it (and tell me what it is cuz I don't really know). When we were done with the awards we played some laser tag and i lost :(. But it was fun so it doesent really matter to me.
That was my day
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Denna vecka....
Denna vecka har varit en helt varnlig vecka utan att nagot speciellt har hant, I Lordagss forra veckan var det dax for den arliga afs desserten och jag traffade manga av de AFS studenterna som bor i narheten och det var en rolig kvall, och AFS lyckades samla ihop 4400 dollar, inte daligt for en kvall. I skolan har det inte hant sa mycket, vi blev klara med MacBeth, sa nu har jag last en hel Shakepeare pjas, inte for att jag forstod sa mycket av handlingen men det maste vara massor av kulturpoang i att ha last shakespeare :P. Jag har ocksa fatt en hel del nya geografikunskaper av mina klasskompisar, blandannat sa ligger Nya Zeeland i Europa, Man pratar tyska i sverige och sa ar det den klassiska komentaren om att jag ar en Sweitzare istallet for svensk. Men jag gissar att det ar svart att halla koll pa alla lander i varlden :)
Igar sa var jag ledig fran bade skolan och tennisen sa jag passade pa att ta en dag for att forsoka bli av men min forkylning och det verkade fungera ganska bra. Jag barnvaktade ocksa litegrann och jag lyckades fa Dylan att krakas over min troja :(
Pa mandag sa ska jag spela min forsta tennismatch :) onska mig lycka till :P
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Last week in february
Denna veckan har jag bara varit i skolan 2 dagar, torsdag och fredag fick vi ledigt pga snow days. Tydligen kan man inte ga till skolan nar marken ar vit. Det var inte anns mycket sno, pa vissa stallen var det kanske 3 cm sa det gick knappt att ha ett snobollskrig. Men dessa tre cm var tillrackligt for att stalla in skolan inte en dag utan tva. Tyvarr sa ringde skolan hem for att beratta detta klockan fem over fem sa det var ju inte sa att jag fick sovmorgon. Jag ska kanske inte klaga, jag ar glad att jag fick tva extra helg dagar och eftersom jag klassas som en senior (sista aret pa high school inte boende pa alderdomshem) sa kommer inte jag behova ta igen dessa dagar pa slutet av lasaret. Sa i torsdags sa forberadde jag mig for AFS benefit dessert som kommer att hallas pa Scio high school nasta lordag. Jag bakade lite kakor och tillvarkade plaserings kort med svenska flaggor pa. I fredags barnvaktade jag Dylan, Patty lamnade mig tom ensam med honom ett tag.
I mandags var jag inte i skola haller eftersom det var Presidents Day, sa jag tillbringade dagen i Salem tillsammans med Emma och Jessie, jag kopte bland annat ett par jeans och en bikini eftersom de va pa rea, jag vet inte varfor de borjade sesongen med en rea.
Sa tisdag och onsdag var de enda dagarna jag var i skolan och inget specielt hande, gick till skolan pa morgonen och gick hem pa eftermiddagen.
Idag var jag forst uppe hos Tyler och Krystal (Dylans foraldrar) och tittade pa medans de sagade med ett jattehogt trad. Sen akte jag och Patty till Salem sa att jag kunde kopa ett par traningskor att spela tennis i. For att Pa mandag borjar tennisen :( jag ar lite nervos eftersom jag vet att jag totalt saknar bollkansla och jag kommer att sla nagon i huvudet med ett tennis raket. Nar jag hade kopt ett par skor akte vi hem och han knappt ata lunch innan jag foljde med Sue (min liason) och hennes familj till Portland for att aka skridskor. Det var roligt att titta pa hur de forskote lara sig att aka skridskor. Detta var min vecka i ganska sammanfattad form.
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Some complaining or something :P
Today during my english class there were some guys sitting at the table infont of me litterally a meter away looking at a class list and seeing my name and very loudly debating how to prenounce my name without reallicing that i was sitting just behind them and debating weather or not to ask the teacher how to prenounce it. It was very funny to listen to and they were to cought up in their dissucion to listen to me when I tried to tell them that it was me they were talking about, anyways it was very funny back then :P
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Bilder fran Districts!

Over raden:Jessie, Coach Curtis Nedre raden: Angela, Jill, Emma, Bailee och Karin

Lite tungt att simma i :P

Varan troffe efter att ha tagit 3je platsen totalt bland alla tjejer
I bilden: Sara, Krysta, Julie, Jessie, Angela, Bailee, Coach Curtis, Jill, Emma, Ashley och Jag.
(Tack Bailee for bilderna)
Efter medlyt var det bara att vanta. Medley relay ar event nr 1 och mitt nasta event var nr 15 om ar 200 yard frisim relay (B). I detta event visste jag redan att vi inte hade nagon chans och vi lyckades knipa nast sista platsen istallet for sista platsen och det ar bra nog for mig eftersom coach Curtis hade satt ihop att lag av de smsta simmarna i laget sa att vi skulle fa en chans att simma lite mer. Men jag ar ganska glad att han gjorde det annars hade det blivit an annu langre vantan.
Efter detta var det dax att vanta lite till men denna gan inte riktigt lika lange, nu behovde jag bara vanta till event nummer 19 som ar 100 yard brostsim. Hela heatet var ganska handelsefattigt bortsatt fran att jag svalde nastan hela poolen och holl pa att fa en hostattack men annars gick det ganska bra. Jag lyckades till och med sla person basta (1.28.29) trots att jag svalde nastan hela poolen. Efter detta var det dax att vanta pa att tavlingen skulle ta slut. det var totalt 22 events men det som var kvar va den langa lagkappen sa det tog ett tag. Det slutade klockan 3 men curtis hade sagt at buss chafforen att komma halv 4 sa det var ara att borja vanta lite mer.
Idag sa var det dax for finalerna for de som lyckades komma pa plats 1-6 pa fredagen vantade A finaler och for de som lyckades ta sig in pa plats 7-12 blev det B final. Ifall att man tar sig till B final och far en battre tid en nagon i A finalen kan man anda inte klattra hogre an 7 i resultatlistan och samma sak om man far en dalig tid i A finalen kan man inte falla langre en till en 6e plats (man blir inte placerad alls om man blir DQ)
The second day we had to get to the meet on our own so I and Patty went there by 8.15 in the morning and we started up with warm ups. Now we had to chare a warm up lane with cascade so it was REALLY crowded and i had a girl keep swiming into my toes which was kinda enoying but not really a big deal just not the gratest start of the day. Then i swam the breaststroke part in the 200 yard medley relay because we managed to make it into the 8 th place with a time of 2.22.15 witch wasent a great time but we did make it until the 2 day so I am pleased about that :). Today we did even better and we won our heat and klimed up to the 7 th place in total witch is really good and I got a pretty, little purple ribbon.
When I was done with that it was just time to start waiting again because all I had left was the breststroke witch ofcourse was one of the last events taking place today but luckely there were many close races to watch while I was waiting. In the breasstroke I was lucky to have made it into the top 12 because I was ranked 13 th before the start but I improved my pb and took the twelth pan final place to the second day of districts. But I was 2 seconds behind the girl infont of me so I had no chance of improving my score. Unfortunatly did my teamate Taniaya get astma attack earlier that day so she only swm to finish so i got 11 th place and a even smaller ribbon.
That was the end of my cometition day but not the end of the day. First it was the senior dress up jump in and we dressed up as the flint stones. It was kinda hard to swim dressed as a flintstone but it was fun :) I think I might post pictures later :)
Even before we had made it out of the pool it was time for the award ceremony and Stayton Girl swimming took an over all 3 de place and it was the first time EVER in the history of styayton swiming that we got a place in the top 3 so i am very happy about that. I am so happy about that :D
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Now i think I will switch to english just because thats what I m here to practice and I lack some of the keys on my key board. Well third period is Trig and now my class is slowly starting to approch the level that i left of at in Sweden so it is almost interesting, or as interesting as math gets. My froth period is Playschool and thare we will learn how to take care of kids, we will accually get a flouer bay to take care of for a couple of days, I guess it is a way of keeping american girls form wanting to get pragnent but from what i ve seen it is not working out for them, there is accually a kindergarden in schol for att students who have a baby. My fifth period and tha last one befor lunch is Economics for Mr. Kirch, he and Mr. Kirby is the only teachers at the entire school that i would say are good teachers who actully know what they are doing when they are infront of a class of 17-18 year olds and don't treat os as 5 th graders like many other do.
My first class after lunch is sociology for mr. Kirby, I was originally supposed to take fire and forestry for a second semester but i managed to switch out of it and Im very happy about that :) I have no idea what we will do there but from what I have heard it is a great class and from what I saw today I ve got high hopes. My last class for the day is 3D design, it is basicly art but with more glue and less painting but it will probobly be a good to end the day with something rather relaxing.
And now over to my dads questions, a gallon of regullar gasoline costs 3.12 dollar here in stayton, that is just about 20 kr/gallon or 5,2 kr/liter. So quite alot cheaper then back home. I will not watch super bowl if every thing goes according to plans because we will hopefully go the Mt Hoodo and go skiing but other wise i will be left home while Dave and Patty goes to her boss to watch it. A hamburger can cost anything between 1 and 10 dollar depending on kind and where you buy it, i haven been to Mc donalds so far this year so i we got no idea what one costs there but it is not alot anyways.
I m doing pretty well with the swiming, i can do 100 yards (91,4 m) pa 1,28 en av de tiderna jag hittade pa internet fran innan jag slutade var 1,49 pa 100 m brostsim, det klarar jag till och med av under ett traningspass om jag simmar fort ( stayon pool ar 100 m) sa det a gamforbara tider. We wont have a meet this week but next week is districts, the ontl meet of the year thet accually matters, the rest is just practise befor that one. So far stayton girls swimming have finished second in one meet and won the rest so we got a chance in district eventhoug the other teams will inprove throug sending there top swimmers :(. When it comes to making a fool of my self it also got to do with swiming, during the meet on friday i happend to listen to the wrong coach and jumped into the water at the wrong time, but I realised thet in the air and it turned into a beautiful belly flopp :P luckelt it happend during warm ups so i did not get DQ :). Another thing that has happend acouple of times is that people don't expect me to know what words like f*ck meand and ask me to repeat after them and it is kinda embarasing for them when I tell them that I know what they are saying, there is also many questions asked about the candy called Swedish Fish and if we call them swedish fish in sweden too. One of the biigest grammar error I ve heard so fare fron one of the other exchange students at Stayton High was when Chei were supposed to ask Mrs Wallice if she was bored but instead she asked her if she was boring luckely Mrs W reallised what she mentto ask and she just started to laugh and inform Chei that it is supposed to be borde not boring.
One of the things i am most happy about so far is my A in Am Gov't we were only two people how got an A on the final and it was me and the son of the vice principle (hmm...) no just kidding he is one of the smatest kids in school. I am also rather happy with starting to exercise every school day of the week and also starting to get some muscles in my arms, they are still tiny and very wimpy but way better than they were befor I started swiming. I ve also gained a way better self confidence (once in a while on the border line to bragging :(((. )But apart from that major detail i think it is something to be proud of :)
I think I have covered everything dad asked about and for once it is a long text but as usually my grammar sucks and I dubt that half the words got the right spelling but if the spelling were perfect how would you know it was from me :P
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